I’ve been working with a long term substitute for the past five weeks and this Friday is her last day – muy triste! She has been amazing, so to let her know how much we appreciated her, my students and I made her a thank-you card with a recycled file folder and sticky notes (I think I had Ladybug’s sticky notes post in my mind). Instead of having students one by one sign a card, they were all able to write her a message at the same time with the sticky notes, and then I randomly arranged them on the file folder.
I folded the side ends of the file folder towards the middle crease like you do when you make a lapbook.
I holepunched and added ribbon (recycled :)).
I let students pick their sticky note (I have very trustworthy kids!).
the inside
I randomly took a picture of this sticky note and didn’t realize how cute the message was until now. “I hope you buzz back soon.” And I hope Mrs. Price does “buzz” back soon! Even though she is an older woman, she has double my energy!
Happy Teaching! Don’t forget about my Shapes MagnetMat giveaway! Click here!
Wow! This is such a GREAT idea and a true time saver so I don't have to pass the thank-you card around one by one to each student. Thank you for sharing, and – more importantly – thank you for the great visuals!
You inspired me. thank you!!!
Awesome idea! Thank you for the post and visual.