Well, you also need to circle the right answer on the back to make it self-checking. A little more prep work is involved compared to Hot Dots.
I placed these Funny Fall task cards around the walls of our portable and had students “Write The Room.” This active math keeps their little brains energized and ready to work!
It’s always nice to place a simple game in centers that you don’t have to explain. This set of multiplication fact bingo cards can be found in my Multiplication Pumpkin Patch resource.
Here’s another non-fallish resource that I have to share. I found these Jenga multiplication facts stickers from Rachely Lynette at least 3 years ago, and as you can see, I’m refusing to replace them. My students love these, but they know I better hear products being called out while they’re building the tower.
Here’s a game that’s really too easy for my 4th graders, but it’s still great addition review. Sunny Days in Second Grade’s Boo Bump Addition freebie always makes this season fun and festive in my math centers. She also has a multiplication version which I need to print out ASAP.
Ok, this is neither fall nor math related, but I’m just so proud of my students’ 30hands weather projects. I still have some management bumps to smooth out, but I hope to share soon how your students can create cumulative projects that they can place on a Padlet wall. With all of the projects together, it’s easy to present and use as a refresher all throughout the year. Click here or on the image to watch my kiddos share in their second language.
Very creative centers! I love using Padlet with my students, too. Looks like you had a productive week with the students! Thanks for sharing and happy Friday! 🙂
Literacy Loving Gals
Thank you, Colleen! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving kind words!
Love the poke cards idea! Thanks for sharing. See you around. Kathleen
Kidpeople Classroom
Thank you, Kathleen! I appreciate your visit!
I love the self-checking task cards! My other favorite is the JENGA game with multiplication facts on them. Great ideas! Thank you for sharing!
~Shelly Anton
Promoting Success Blog