Hey, ya’ll!
For those who are in a hurry, here’s the freebie link for your Place Value Partners: Rounding Rodeo PowerPoint Math Game based on common core standard 4.NBT.3.
For those who are not in a hurry…
We’re having fun with PowerPoint math games now!
I love making Smart Board games, but I found out that my school or district or whoever was not paying what Smarttech wants for the latest update. So I was told it was best to stay away from creating files in Smart Notebook. And since I’ve had a lot of interest in my Smart Board games from teachers with other types of interactive whiteboards, I decided to try my hand at making PowerPoint games. What I love about my PowerPoint games is that they open so much quicker than Smart Notebook for whatever reason.
Of course I really wanted to laugh when I tried to put my games on some Mac laptops I have, and I was told that we’re going all Mac now without Microsoft Office, so I might want to stay away from creating PowerPoint files and actually switch over to Keynote now.
Oh. my. goodness. Please, Lord, help me with this ever-changing technology.
So, how do they work?
If you’re a video demo kind of person, watch the following video:
If not, it goes like this:
I usually first introduce the game in a whole group setting. They sit around the carpet with a recording sheet and a clipboard (each game comes with a recording sheet).
In Slideshow mode, one student touches a random object from the start page.
That page takes the student to a random problem page.
Students follow the instructions and solve the problem in the appropriate box (determined by the number in the left-hand upper corner).
Every problem has a self-checking feature whether it is an audio sound, a linked correct or incorrect page, or an animation box with the answer.
If students are correct, they color in the object in the box. If not, they leave it blank. Now I have an easy way to spot who’s got the skill and who needs more work.
If I don’t have recording sheets on hand, we also use individual white boards.
After the game is introduced in a whole group, I then place it in a folder on the desktop for students to play during group time. I’ve also found a nifty app called SlideShark that students can use to play the games on a tablet.

What games have I created?
Here’s the title pages of the games I’ve created so far.
You can find these in a bundle at TpT. I also have a Spanish version available. And they are on sale at 50% off for the first 3 days! I will be adding more files throughout the year, so the price will go up according to the value of the bundle.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the freebie!
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