So, you wanna earn your students’ respect, make ’em listen to you, and cling to every word you say? Just drive a moped to school. 😛 Haha, it’s not that easy I know, but in fourth grade, I do think I’ve earned some cool points for being the scooter teacher. And I as I walk […]
Green in the Classroom
My Green Theme Classroom
So, here’s my before and after shot (the after picture is the one on the bottom if you’re not sure :P). As you can see, I’m a portable girl. I LOVE being in a portable. The only down side is space and lack of storage. And gnats. And mold. And rainy days. But I do […]
QR Code Behavior Coupon FREEBIE
Hey, everyone! I hope your school year is off to an awesome start! I have a great group so far, which I am very thankful for. So, anyways, I got an idea this year to use QR codes to make behavior coupons. So far it has been a super success. I’ve been passing these coupons […]
QR Code Math Freebies
Hey, teaching friends! I have been having a lot of fun in my class with QR codes and math, so I wanted to share with you three activities/freebies we’ve done recently. Here’s a video I made recently that shows several of the activities below: 1) Mi Problema/My Problem QR Code Minibook We did this as […]
New Blog “My Green Classroom” and Freebie!!
I am so excited!!! My new blog, “The Green Classroom,” is finally up and running! How did I come up with the idea to do this blog? Well, last summer I watch the documentary “Bag It” just by accident really. I was laying on the couch with my hubby being lazy and it just happened […]
Recycling Activities LINK PARTY!!! I need your help!
(Clip art by JW Illustrations) document.write(‘
Math Facts Bottle Cap Labels Giveaway!
Have you seen my math facts bottle cap recycling activity? It’s free, fun, and will get your kiddos practicing those facts. Check it out here. *** GIVEAWAY CONTEST I am going to mail one operation set (add., sub., mult., or div.) of these bottle cap labels to four winners. If you win, you choose which […]
Math Facts Bottle Cap Recycling Activity
Hey guys! Happy America Recycles Day! I am super excited to finally have this post and title together to share with you. My students and I have been recycling bottle caps this year, and we have been using them to master our math facts in all four operations. Let me explain how. Using Avery 5408 […]