Hey, ya’ll! I’m happy to be apart of the May Bright Ideas Blog Hop! My bright idea this month is a fun activity my students did to practice ordering fractions. Here’s how it goes: 1) To prep, I cut 3 x 5 index cards in half. I hole-punched each card on each end. I made […]
math centers
Kindergarten Smart Board Game Pack 50% OFF Today Only!
Hey, guys! It’s snowing, so I’m trying to spruce up some of my resources! I really should be going to the gym! Anyways, I made a video for my Kindergarten Math & Literacy Smart Board Game Pack to show all that it includes, and to celebrate, it’s at a discount of only $8 from the […]
Poke Cards Video! Awesome activity for self-checking centers!
Hey, guys! I’ve been wanting to make this video for a while. For those who have been interested in my poke cards and how they work, here you go! And I have a giveaway planned to give away a bunch of seasonal pokers and poke cards, so stay tuned! Oh, and please subscribe! xoxoxo For […]
Holiday Christmas Owl Math Facts Bundle
So, I’ve had like maybe two people ask if I was making any more seasonal poke cards, so with some adorable holiday owl clip art from Petit Tatti, I decided to make another math facts bundle. If you’re not familiar with poke cards, here is how it works: What I love about poke cards is […]
Thanksgiving Math Center Freebies from TpT on YouTube
Hey, teacher friends! I just finished making a really fun and hopefully helpful video on a bunch of awesome freebies (K-5th) for Thanksgiving math centers that are ready right now to download on Teachers Pay Teachers. The cool thing is, you don’t even have to figure out how the activites work because I’ve done it […]
Multiplication Fact Center Station Ideas
I shared this pic on Instagram (follow me for more FlapJack love!) and had a few requests to explain my stations I used for practicing multiplication facts. So here goes: Station #1 – Poke Cards These cards I have created myself. They are lots of fun and students check each other for accuracy. These are […]
How I Do My Math Small Group Station Rotations (this year at least!)
Hey guys! I am a big fan of small group rotations where kids can play games and get all of that mundane skill repetition and practice in without even knowing it. However, my setup has never been completely fluid, but I think I have finally found my way this year for making my small groups […]
Tic-Tac-Toe with Poke Cards
iHola! Look at my cute, little Easter-themed tic-tac-toe game I found at my local Dollar General! And what makes it super fantastic is that the cute little egg and chick pegs work perfectly with poke cards. 🙂 So, once a student answers a poke card correctly by inserting a peg into the right hole, they […]