I don’t know if you’ve seen these “popper” toys lately, but when I saw the “Pig Popper,” I just knew I had to have it for a fun center game. How “Poppers” Work: 1) They each come with these soft mini-balls. You place one in the snout or mouth of the popper. Give their belly […]
math centers
Fraction Treasure Hunt FREEBIE
Hey, guys! It’s fraction time in my classroom, and it has been a little hectic! I feel there are so many skills to teach and not enough time before standardized testing to get it all in. In other words, I’m stressed! How about you? Here’s a resource based on the discovery bottle idea that my […]
Self-Checking Center Cards (Poke Cards)
When it comes to centers and stations, any activity that is self-checking is my best friend! It saves me a lot of headache, and students receive automatic feedback and become more independent. That’s why I love poke cards. They do take some extra work to prepare, but once they’re created, your work is done. Now […]
Freebie Angle Estimation Game
Hey, guys! During the Valentine season, I found some of these adorable heart mold ice cube trays at my local Dollar General, so I bought some to use in a station game for my students to practice estimation the measure of angles. How it Works: Students choose their own color of centimeter cubes and take […]
Measurement Unit & Conversions QR Code Fun Pack
Measurement units and conversions are always difficult concepts for my fourth graders. Last year I created a title called Merry Measurement Activities that was helpful with my students. I also created some self-checking poke cards on length conversion. Now, this year I am working on Smart Board games and QR code task cards to also […]
Math Fishing Fun
Sometimes husbands can really come through and be geniuses. Such was the case for me recently when my husband and I were shopping, and he suggested buying the classic fishing game as a learning tool. How can it be a learning tool? Well, his suggestion was to stick problems on the bottom of each fish. […]
Vinyl Dry-Erase Circles
So, it was a fun Friday today because it was one of those rare professional development days where we actually got to work in our classrooms. Can you believe it?! It was great timing because I just ran across Kinder Kerri’s awesome idea to use vinyl on tables to serve as dry-erase mats. Such an […]
Multiplication Smart Board FREEBIE and Other SB Games
Hey, guys! Just finished up my third grade Smart Board math game pack that is CCSS-aligned and super fun! (At least my kiddos and I think so!) Teachers Pay Teachers Included in the pack is first a FREEBIE for you to have a sample of my games and see what you think! Teachers Pay […]