Hey, ya’ll! Rachel Lynette’s Multiplication Jenga Labels have had me in love with the Jenga format for practicing math skills for a while now, so last week I combined that love with my love of QR codes in a self-checking Jenga game about fractions. Almost ALL of the fourth grade common core fractions standards are […]
QR codes
St. Patrick’s Day FREEBIES!
St. Patrick’s Day Freebies for hopefully everyone! Click on any of the images below to download. Upper Elementary Grades 3-5th, Four Basic Operation Puzzles Grade 4-5th, Equivalent Fractions and Decimals Puzzles Lattice Multiplication Smart Board Promethean Game Early Elementary Numbers 1-10 Puzzles Sight Word Smart Board Promethean Game SPANISH Greeting Card “You Tengo, Quiene Tiene” […]
Interactive Word Problem QR Code Posters
Hey, ya’ll! Here’s a recent project my students did to reinforce their learning of multi-digit multiplication and integrate technology through the use of QR codes. My students are in a Spanish immersion program, so in groups of two, they created their own multiplication problem in English and Spanish and made a QR code to display […]
Multi-Digit Multiplication Math Stations
I love math stations, and I think or at least hope that my students do, too. Here is what we did recently during math station time to practice multi-digit multiplication. To begin, students worked in partners (I really don’t find more than that as productive. One student always seems to be standing aloof or off-task). […]
Toy Capsules in the Classroom
I think I first came across the idea of using toy capsules from Rachel Lynette at Minds in Bloom, and thought it was super cute. She placed task cards, folded up, inside of the to capsules you find in toy vending machines at stores. So, I found some really nice ones at Ebay. However, these […]
Measurement Unit & Conversions QR Code Fun Pack
Measurement units and conversions are always difficult concepts for my fourth graders. Last year I created a title called Merry Measurement Activities that was helpful with my students. I also created some self-checking poke cards on length conversion. Now, this year I am working on Smart Board games and QR code task cards to also […]
Math Fishing Fun
Sometimes husbands can really come through and be geniuses. Such was the case for me recently when my husband and I were shopping, and he suggested buying the classic fishing game as a learning tool. How can it be a learning tool? Well, his suggestion was to stick problems on the bottom of each fish. […]