Erin and I have been Smart Board creating buddies for awhile so I’m so thrilled that she was willing to share how you too can learn to make Smart Board resources. Follow her tips below to start making the most of your Smart Board! 🙂 __________________________________________________________ Hi there! This is Erin from Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom […]
FlapJack SALE and New Promethean Flipcharts for 1st Grade Math!
I’m so, so happy that Misty of Krazyaboutteaching converted my 1st grade Smart Board math games into Promethean flip charts that I’m having a SALE on all FlapJack resources! 20% off today only! These games are PERFECT for that last-minute review before standardized testing. You can watch this 1-minute overview view on the games or […]
FREE Holiday Smart Board Games
If you’re needing something quick and fun (and you have a Smart Board), I have two free Smart Board games. One is for comparing numbers on the kindergarten/1st grade level. The other is for comparing decimals on the 4th-5th grade level. Both use a fun Santa self-checking feature that your students will get a kick […]
5th Grade Math Smart Board Games Pack (At Last!)
Hey, ya’ll! This pack of 5th grade math Smart Board games has literally been years in the making. This 4th grade teacher brain had to work overtime for this set of games, and I’m really happy to finally have this resource available for you. There are sixteen self-checking games provided that each follow the same […]
Ten More or Less Smart Board Game FREEBIE
Hey, ya’ll! I FINALLY finished my 1st Grade Math Smart Board Pack, so I wanted to share a fun, little resource from it. In this game, students will add and subtract multiples of 10 up until 90. They will also add ten more or less to numbers within 100. If they’re correct, the car will […]
Flower Graphing Smart Board Freebie and New 2nd Grade SB Math Pack
Hey, ya’ll! I’m happy and relieved to announce that the Second Grade Smart Board Math Game Pack is finally out! I’m so appreciative to my editors for helping my finally get it together. With the help of my Facebook friends, I’ve chosen the Flower Graphing Smart Board game as the freebie item. Download this game. […]
Measurement Units Conversions Smart Board Promethean Game Pack Video
Hey, ya’ll! This resource has been out for awhile with over 20 positive ratings at TpT, but I also wanted to share it with you in video format. My Measurement Units and Conversions Smartboard pack is also available on the Promethean which is SO cool! That is thanks to the fabulous Kristen Hernandez of Teacher […]
Fourth Grade Math Smart Board Game Pack Video
Ok, ya’ll! So I finally got my promo video for my 4th grade Smartboard math game pack up and running. if you’ve heard of this resource and have been interested in it, watch this video to see exactly what’s included. Tabitha Carro