Howdy ALL! So, I’m taking a graduate course on technology and learning strategies in order to have enough points to stay certified and keep my job. 😛 The class is actually super awesome and the two ladies who teach it are fabulous, so I can’t complain too much. We had to create a paper slide […]
Six Teacher Tips for Classroom Organization with the Evernote App
Are you an Evernote fan? I absolutely love it. It has been a helpful tool to organize all of the chaos in my brain. If you’ve never heard of Evernote, it’s a note-taking app and website that stores your notes in a database sort of manner. The best part is that it syncs across all […]
Easy Parent Thank You Digital Cards with Punchbowl
Have a lot of parent thank-you cards to write here at the end of the year? Trying to motivate yourself but just can’t? Do all your parents have email addresses? If so, try Punchbowl! It’s a cute, non-tacky way to send digital cards that look real, envelope and all! Click on the card to see […]
Interactive Word Problem QR Code Posters
Hey, ya’ll! Here’s a recent project my students did to reinforce their learning of multi-digit multiplication and integrate technology through the use of QR codes. My students are in a Spanish immersion program, so in groups of two, they created their own multiplication problem in English and Spanish and made a QR code to display […]
Multi-Digit Multiplication Math Stations
I love math stations, and I think or at least hope that my students do, too. Here is what we did recently during math station time to practice multi-digit multiplication. To begin, students worked in partners (I really don’t find more than that as productive. One student always seems to be standing aloof or off-task). […]
Toy Capsules in the Classroom
I think I first came across the idea of using toy capsules from Rachel Lynette at Minds in Bloom, and thought it was super cute. She placed task cards, folded up, inside of the to capsules you find in toy vending machines at stores. So, I found some really nice ones at Ebay. However, these […]
Factor Friends Activity Bundle
Howdy, teacher friends! Just wanted to share some new titles I have come out with to use with my students to practice factors. QR codes are so cool! They really engage students and give them a self-checking way to monitor their own progress. This title contains 24 task cards on factors and the greatest common […]
I Love Class Dojo!
Yes, I have finally drunk the Dojo Juice, and it is awesome! If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s an awesome online website/app to document student behavior and create data to share with parents and students. I’m not going to hash about how to use it, since there are already so many resources (click […]