Here is an easy-to-access list of all the fall freebies I have created up until now. Hope you can find at least one of them useful in your classroom this autumn!
Making 10 Sheaves
Candy Corn Poke (Counting & Number Words 0-10)
Multiplication Coloring Sheet
Elapsed Time Turkey Tickle Cards
Turkey Tickle Decimals Smart Board Game
Also available in Spanish.
Halloween Addition & Subtraction Coloring Sheet
Door Sign & Gift Tags
Spanish Fall Vocabulary Coloring Sheet
Happy Fall!
this is such a nice blog.. thanks for sharing this!
cool math 4 kids
I found your Pumpkin Poke on TPT. My girls were very excited to try out this game. I love how it provides immediate feedback. I ended up just printing out the 1s to 7s as I want them to focus on those facts right now…plus, there is Christmas coming up and I'm pretty sure I saw a "poke" game that will work for December on your blog. Thanks again for providing such awesome products. If you want to see how we used the game I blogged about it here:
Thank you so much! I have an owl theme this year and we even studied owls a bit, too! Your resources are so eyecatching and cute! Thank you again!
Can't thank you enough for sharing your talents and creativity so freely with all of us!! You are awesome!! Having moved from 5th to Title I this year, you are such a godsend…thank you, thank you!! 🙂
Thank you, Jody! I'm so glad you can use some of my stuff!