Hey, ya’ll! It’s February! Such a fun month with all the love floating in the air! I am so happy to let you know that the FlapJack YouTube channel has reached 1,000 subscribers. I have a really awesome freebie to share, but it’s taking me awhile to get it together. I promise to have it […]
owl theme
Hanging Editable Owl Circle Templates Freebie for 5,000 FlapJack Facebook Friends!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! The FlapJack Facebook page has 5,000 friends now! I would love to do an awesome giveaway, but there’s just no time with school starting back. Instead, I’ve created these customizable owl labels that will hopefully be useful to all of my teacher friends. […]
FlapJack Classroom Materials Packs
Classroom themes are great! They help bring focus to your classroom decor, and they provide cohesiveness to your teaching materials. Here’s a list of the Classroom Material Packs available by FlapJack. Each materials pack is comprehensive and jam-packed with resources to make your classroom the best it can be. Have a look! Chevron Flowers […]